This year we have decided to document our RRNMM online.

Is this all of the work done at LSU in 2020? Not by a long shot, but this is an excellent example of the compositional and performative output done by LSU students at all levels within courses, for recitals, and for events that have gone on throughout the year.


MUS 2745: Intro to Computer Music

Instructors: Austin Franklin and Landon Viator

These are the final projects for the students in MUS2745. This is the introductory course in computer music focusing on making sound art ranging from acousmatic music to sound design (game & video), and popular composition. Technical topics include using a DAW, tracking, editing, effect processing, using midi, synthesizers, and automation.


Undergraduate Applied Lessons: MUS 3151 Composition and MUS 3153 Electroacoustic Music

Instructors: Dr. Mara Gibson, Dr. Jesse Allison, Dr. Edgar Berdahl


Connor Underwood

Of Faith

Gabriel Keowen

Bobby Chedville

__Blanched Backrooms__






This media work is about the creepypasta topic known as the backrooms. This origin story sparked on the internet about a year before this composition developed. The Backrooms are a separate dimension from our own that has endless empty rooms with the musty hue of yellow walls, the dampness of the carpet flooring, and the everlasting hum of the overhead fluorescent lights. The creepypasta website has this quote from one individual who has experienced the backrooms followed with a photo of one of the rooms taken by him.Intrigued by its existence, I have made a musique concrète based composition on my take on what you would hear in the backrooms. I complied original sound files and distorted them with VST plugins, both built- in on Studio One, the DAW I used to make this, and third-party lugins from the internet, to create the audio representation of what you would hear in this inner dimension.”If you’re not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you’ll end up in the Backrooms, where it’s nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in.”




Blue Hamsters

Saida Joshua Smith







Saida is a talented music professional committed to her craft. She grew up in the heart of the music mecca city known as New Orleans. Saida was exposed to all forms of art from an early age but really took a liken to music. On countless mornings, her family could hear humming melodies throughout the day. With her natural talent of melody and beats, she started written songs from the age of six. Saida enjoys collaborating with other creative minds and working on her own. Listening to her songs would make you think that she was much older than she is. She uses tracks from other artist and selfmate beats and melodies to create a new and cleaner approach to her music. Her spirit and amazing personality is a joy to work with.
Program Notes:
This was one of the first songs Ive ever completed. This song started off as a jam, but the lyrics made sense so I finished it. Everything I sing I have to live through so, what I talk about in the song actually happened.





Morgan Easterday

Isolation Suite






My final product are three miniatures that represent what it means to me to be in isolation during COVID-19. I wanted them to represent the mundane of everyday life in contrast with simple activities that are now extremely exciting given the circumstances.
The first movement is called Remote Work and it depicts sounds of doing work at home and becoming increasingly frustrated. There are sounds such as paper crumpling, paper ripping, scribbling things down, breathes of frustration, and notebooks slamming shut. In the background, there is a soft synth track that the noises accompany.
The second movement is called Stir Crazy and it is representative of going nuts while you are stuck inside. I took recordings of me and my roommate exchanging a few words, spoons and straws stirring various things in bowls and cups, and it ends with me laughing and sounding quite a bit crazy. The accompanying music for this is pizzicato strings that start very even and get more unpredictable as time goes on.
The third movement is simply titled, I Went Outside Today. This movement’s motive is recordings of strong winds outside. I took my phone to the University Lake and recorded sounds such as the window of my car being down while driving, wind whipping past trees, the sounds of people running, and the flow of the lake. There is a dream-like synth in the background that is supposed to represent the surrealism of being outside in a time like this. Activities that once seemed ordinary are now extraordinary and nature gives us hope for the future.




Graduate Applied Lessons: MUS 7051 Composition, MUS 7053 Electroacoustic Music, MUS 7997 Individual Projects

Instructors: Dr. Mara Gibson, Dr. Stephen David Beck, Dr. Jesse Allison, Dr. Edgar Berdahl


William Thompson


Thomas Wilson

Street Music No. 3:

Street Music No. 4:

Street Music No. 5:

MUS 7746: Seminar in Experimental Music & Digital Media

Instructor: Dr. Edgar Berdahl


Making Music with Found Objects:

Thomas Wilson


William A. Thompson IV

The Casterman

Matthew A. Bardin

Atmospheric Chair v1

Making Music with Digitally Fabricated Objects

Austin Franklin


Thomas Wilson

The Monolith

Austin Franklin

The Player Record

Matthew A. Bardin

Err. 522: Connection Timed Out

[err-522 documentation](

William A. Thompson IV

The Joystuck

MUS 4744: Mobile Music

Instructor: Dr. Jesse Allison


Tate Carson is an immersive audiovisual installation that explores a possible networked future of peer-to-peer technologies, away from the cloud. Participants experience the work via two to four smartphones placed in different locations in a room. As participants walk up to a phone, they see a representation of themselves through data. If the participant gets close enough, the phone triggers a change in the sound of and the other phones follow. documentation online artwork

immaterialcloud from Tate Carson on Vimeo.

Morgan Easterday

#StayTunedLSU Documentation

#StayTunedLSU Instagram Highlight

Zoey Cuseo

Music Notation Stamping Kit


Breona Leonard

Thumb LED Piano

Tamara Scott


Julian Plaisance



Thanks for coming.
