Recent EMDM Projects
Mobile apps, web instruments, and sonic installations by EMDM students and faculty
A few of our principal research areas

March 7-8, 2025Baton Rouge, LA Goal: This meeting will unite academic researchers, industry specialists, and gigging performers — spheres that work nearly in tandem in the relatively new milieu of contemporary electric guitar — from across the Gulf South, with a particular emphasis on those that are doing cutting-edge work in each field. Organizers hope […]

Electroacoustic Fais Do Do The Experimental Music & Digital Media (EMDM) program at Louisiana State University in coordination with the LSU School of Music and the Center for Computation & Technology is pleased to present the Electroacoustic Fais Do Do April 5 & 6, 2024 as part of the SEAMUS 2024 National Conference. The EAFDD […]

ESSLab @ LSU The eco-systemic sound lab is an exploratory research lab where we inspect

The Mill As part of the Cultural Computing focus area in the Center for Computation & Technology, DMC 1065 houses the Media Interaction Laboratory & Library (MILL), a lab space for creating electronics hardware based on cutting edge embedded technology and sensing devices. Specialties include making Embedded Acoustic Instruments and custom Haptic Devices. Next door […]

Sound diffusion, spatialization and localization is an ongoing passion for the LSU EMDM program. Using a loudspeaker orchestra or Massively Multi-channel Audio System, we perform pieces by diffusing sound across the array, taking advantage of the room acoustics, size and shape of the loudspeakers, and directionality of the speakers. Through this process of diffusion, we […]

Through classes, workshops, and “appathons” organized through a Mobile Music Initiative at LSU, EMDM students learn to design and program native app instruments for iOS and Android. In collaboration with the Tangible Visualization lab at LSU, the EMDM program laser cuts tablet interface overlays which enable better tactile awareness of a digital interface. As part […]

Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste
Along with Yes We Cannibal!, the School of Art, the School of Music, and the Baton Rouge Art Gallery, the EMDM program is excited to host Guest Artist Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste for a series of events of sonic art, installations, performance, and talks. Come to the Artist talk at the DMC Theatre 3PM Jan 31, then […]

Electroacoustic Fais Do Do
April 5 & 6 the EMDM program at LSU is host to a series of events celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Society of Electroacoustic Music in the United States. The conference will present three (3) concerts focused on one of the three conference topics, each an area of research central to our current work […]

Fall 2024 Lineup of classes in Electronic and Experimental Music
In case you are wondering what to sign up for… Unique things this upcoming semester: The Fall 2024 lineup of music & technology classes from EMDM MUS 7746 – Research Seminar in EMDM: XR Performance Taught by: Dr. Allison & Derick Ostrenko Paired with ART 4240 Special Topics: XR Performance Performance and live events such […]
LSU is home to the networked Laptop Orchestra of Louisiana (LOLs), and the Louisiana Mobile App Orchestra (LMAO).
We hold an annual sound spatialization concert in our 72-channel Meyer sound theater, using live mixing and OSC control of ambisonic panning.
EMDM organizes outreach programs to teach digital music, web audio, and electronic instrument building at local high schools.
Students of EMDM
Featured graduate and undergraduate students

Fiona Xue Ju, originally from China, is pursuing a Ph.D. in Experimental Music and Digital Media at Louisiana State University. As a composer, media artist, improviser, and sound and visual designer, she creates immersive experiences that bridge digital and physical spaces, blending electronic music, visual and performance art. Fiona holds a Bachelor’s degree in composition from Oberlin Conservatory and a Master’s in Contemporary Performance and Composition (CoPeCo) from CNSMD Lyon, with additional studies at EMTA in Tallinn, KMH in Stockholm, and HfMT in Hamburg. Her works, ranging from chamber music to multimedia installations, have been presented across the U.S. and Europe, often exploring political themes and challenging societal perceptions. Learn more at
- Fiona Xue Ju

Kerem Ergener is an electronic music composer and multimedia artist whose works have been part of many compilations around the world. After he graduated from Izmir Saint Joseph French High School he continued his undergraduate study in Bahçeşehir University’s Mechatronics Engineering department which he helped the establishment of BAU Stanford Robotics Research Project Laboratory. Then he continued his graduate education in Istanbul Technical University MIAM. He received his Master of Arts in Music/Sonic Arts in 2019. His solo work has been released under his own name and under the nickname “Le Horla”. He founded his record label Le Horla Records that aims to bring out unheard avant-garde and experimental sound to listeners in 2016. After he graduated from Istanbul Technical University MIAM Sonic Arts department, he held a three-year long lectureship position at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang’s Institute of Music, Science and Engineering department in Bangkok, Thailand. He is currently a PhD candidate at Louisiana State University majoring in Experimental Music and Digital Media and minoring in Architecture. His work is currently focused on sound installations, concept of space and immersive audio design.
- Kerem Ergener
After completing two degrees in Music Composition, Scott began studying for a PhD in the Experimental Music & Digital Media program at Louisiana State University in 2020. Scott is continually learning fascinating new ways to make music through emerging technologies. He is particularly interested in audio/visual art, and video game sound.
- Scott Nelson (Alumni)