Cinema for the Ears – SEAMUS Rhizome Event
LSU Cinema for the Ears – A SEAMUS 2023 Rhizome Event
Friday, March 24, 2023, 7:30 PM CDT
The LSU School of Music’s Experimental Music & Digital Media program, in collaboration with the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), will present a Cinema for the Ears concert, March 24, 2023, at 7:30 PM CDT in the Digital Media Center Theatre. The concert will also be live-streamed in binaural audio as part of the SEAMUS 2023 National Conference Rhizome Events.
The concert will feature fixed media works by Jesse Allison, Eric Lyon, Leah Reid, Ryne Siesky, Annie Hui-Hsin Hsieh, and Stephen David Beck. The pieces were composed specifically for high-density loudspeaker arrays of 8, 16, and 32 discreet audio channels, and will be presented on the DMC Theatre’s 89-channel loudspeaker array.
Binaural Stream (listen with headphones): https://www.youtube.com/@lsuEMDM/live
Concert Program: 2023-03-24 Cinema for the Ears
Cinema for the Ears 2021
Cinema for the Ears is our annual concert of electronic and computer music composed for fixed media and presented in a multi-channel format. This year, we will be in person, presenting the concert on a 10.1 channel surround sound environment installed at the LSU Greek Theatre.
The concert will feature music by Kathleen Winn, Keri Devilynn, Austin Franklin, John Chowning, Edgar Berdahl, Jesse Allison and Stephen David Beck.
Bring your mask and join us for this unique socially-distanced electroacoustic performance.
Thursday, September 23rd
LSU Greek Theater
(Next to the Music & Dramatic Arts building)
If rain is threatening, we will hold the concert in the Digital Media Center Theatre. Giving everyone some time to get across campus, the concert would then begin at 6PM. Look for announcement here or on the Facebook page.
Dr. Beck in front of the 27.2 channel iCAST Sound Diffusion System
For more on Immersive Sound work at LSU, please visit our page on Spatialization and the ICAST system.