Cinema for the Ears on April 7
Our annual massively multi-channel concert, Cinema for the Ears, approaches! We are tremendously excited for this year’s concert, which will be the first to use our new 72-channel sound theater at the brand new Louisiana Digital Media Center. The concert will feature multi-channel works by undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and visiting artists. Mark your calendars!
EMDM Students @ NSEME
EMDM graduate and undergraduate students presented this March at the national conference NSEME (National Student Electronic Music Event) held at Georgia Southern.
Trey Duplantis showed his installation “Goodness Gracious” which is a version of the video game Galaga that is played by a piano. The artwork was written in the Processing programming environment.
Will Conlin showed VOX (2013) for two vocalists and two iPad’s controlling Max/MSP with OSC.
Nick Hwang had his composition Dracones Nursery for augmented saxophone performed.
Yemin Oh performed his work Synesthetic Moment for piano and live electronics.